產品名稱 : TPM 莫氏錐度扭力伸縮攻牙本體
BT / NT 系列
  • L1: Compression, L2: Tension
  • Quick change: Push back on the holder sleeve and the tap collet is removable easily.
型號DLL1L2攻牙範圍筒夾類型重量 (kg)
MTA2 TPM316 48 130 10 20 M3~M16 TPC316 1.20
MTA3 TPM316 48 130 10 20 M3~M16 TPC316 1.30
MTA4 TPM316 48 130 10 20 M3~M16 TPC316 1.60
MTA5 TPM316 48 130 10 20 M3~M16 TPC316 2.50
MTA3 TPM830 66 160 10 25 M8~M30 TPC830 2.20
MTA4 TPM830 66 160 10 25 M8~M30 TPC830 2.60
MTA5 TPM830 66 160 10 25 M8~M30 TPC830 3.50

Unit: mm